Greetings to all near and far.

Our April meeting was very informative, very well received, and finally - seen by people on Zoom,
although still not yet perfect. We will overcome these difficulties. 

On the topic of the Sportsplex, we are taking steps to allow access for everyone in the park (not just HOA members) to see what we are doing and find out what they need to know. This will happen on our web site. Stay tuned for details.

Unfortunately, the repair timeline given by Kelly at our March meeting is going to be slower than anticipated due to rising costs on some repairs. Cove is still committed to these repairs. We meet with Kelly in person every month and communicate multiple times weekly, and these issues are always addressed.

As usual we will be sending out eblast communications throughout the summer. If you would like to be an HOA member, contact Lisa Sorum at [email protected] and sign up!

We had many residents say they would step up and volunteer to help us with special projects such as the voting. Lord, that felt GOOD!


Jane Lilley
HOA President


HOA Contacts

Programs: If you have an idea for an upcoming meeting topic, please contact Marty Kopacz at 313-268-2424

Property: If you identify any problems in the common areas of Jamaica Bay that you would like fixed such as broken blinds or chairs, a non-functioning sprinkler, lights out, safety problem, etc. contact Bruce Anderson 612-708-3542 

HOA Communications Email list and Disaster Communications: If you are an HOA member, please send your email address and cell phone number to [email protected] to be put on the email list for HOA communications.  We communicate to you all summer - vital

HOA Membership: Your HOA board leads resident meetings from September through May. If you are not a member of the HOA, please consider becoming one and supporting the community in which you live. We have a one-time, $100, fully refundable fee to join. In return, you support the HOA and its efforts to represent you related to rent, rules, regulations, and conditions around the community. Contact Lisa Sorum 612-578-6980 to join. When you move from the community, please download the membership refund form from Information about your Jamaica Bay HOA, forms and lots of other resources can be obtained at: JBHOA.COM

Want to know what's happening when it's actually happening?
  • Join the HOA and get eBlasts all summer.
  • Get notifications of important information from the source
  • Have a say in monthly presentations
  • Have a vote on important issues
  • Participate in making JBV the best it can be For a one time, totally refundable fee of $100, you can be in the know with facts.

May 9th is our next HOA meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Veranda. We look forward to seeing you there.